Nihonshu sometimes cheat me ...

》English Ver. by 99.8% Google translate《

=== The title (Full)===

Nihonshu sometimes cheat me awaken Kool mind miself 

with [such incredible lite taste feel].


It moves slowly, so if you wait a while, it's easy to take a picture. 

In Toyohashi Port. 

If you try carefully, you'll able to have at least three cool chances, 

even if you don't take a automatikaly rapid fire shot. 

(She? is so slowly moving turning. 

NO! TRI-POD. MOVE YOURSELF! to 1m side! each shot! I hope your well-shots.)

From the outside of the fence (on the land side of the fence).

 A subject that can easily make you feel sick holic(shot drunk). 

(It seems like it's a car-ferry that transports cars in the inland bays of Mikawa-Bay and Ise-Bay, with the aim of [saving on gasoline for transportation costs]? 

The reason is that Lake Hamana-ko has a low water level, so there is no port. It seems like they're transporting [Jim-nii] and [Swif-t ]Sport to Nagoya or Mie areas.) 


Hello, this is Takuto (Amano Toshihiro). 

First of all, I want to say that 

because we have [different ideologies (religious views?)], 

sometimes the other person doesn't understand 

even if you explain it to them. 

Be careful because there are cases like this. 

To put it simply one case, 

the story about [logging in to Google] might be easy to understand. 

There are people who have two-step lod in settings, 

and who always turn on phone notifications for two-step authentication, and use 2 steps each time every log in to their Google account, 

and who make carefuly that they are logged out before closing the browser, 

and the other(negative) side(for security) case, 

there are people who think that logging in is something they should automatical do when you turn on their computer or open their smartphone screen, 

and that they should be already with no actions be logged in to Google their account! (it seems to be a so fool less-security-man.)


Such Each separated identity company 

cannot understand a company thought(identity) 

of other separated company.

Please keep this in base-mind 

when reading the following story about alcohol story.

your same mean sometimes not other's same mean, 

because of such you does not notice such difference, and such you sometimes have such separate [same] talk to the others,


[Reference example] Was this a strong lot? ≒ A desirable type, the Nihonshu name of "Shino(志野)".

In the end role, it's a self-talk of a loose with drunk.

It's a bad(of the talk inside heavenly) ending.


The Shino(志野) I bought recently (≒ sparkling unpasteurized sake) is...

weaker than the Shino I bought last time (≒ sparkling unpasteurized sake).

The explosive force (first opening burst feel) when opened was also "less be ain't".

The sharpness is too sleepy hollow.

([The first batch lot I bought] spouted like that. checking the video.

It's made a glass bottle with such screw-cap, right? I thought it was dangerous in many eisky ways.

But in that sense, it can be preferable [for a drinker] to feel that kind of danger feeling

[for a drinker].)




(The batch lot I bought this time...)

It's strange to drink it alone miself and finish more than 760ml half in one sitting

(unnatural = for young people, sake beginners?)

That's how it feels ¥¥¥¥ (is that how it feels?).

I have no choice...,

so I drink it mixing into cheap sake and to >>> cocktail shots,

and tell myself "Shino(志野)" is... I'm not ending yet.

(This cocktail shots takes exactly two days. In that sense, it's a very expensive sake.

About 1,650 yen x 3 to 4 soup up as 1 bottle to before?)

But what if the production and label printing are different?

It's 2022 (it looks same), so it should have been produced around the same time,

is that what you're saying?

It seems like [the punch heavy varies depending on the lot in same age]?...

My personal guess is that,

because it's a [sparkling]-sake in the category of [raw sake],

it probably varies [depending on the lot] or

[the storage conditions at the store].

(Maybe it was too chilled cooling. Is it for export?)

For the time being, the taste was "almost the same",

so it's "hard to imagine that the koji mold was different".

But the [yeast] used to make the sake is different?

That's possible(?),

but for the time being, the taste was "almost the same".

But it was produced in 2022? Considering the each leveling, the alcohol content was a little low for my taste, so nearly that case, 

I had no choice but to make it into a cocktail shot. 

This batch is... Casual? for special event-style? Light-bodied. 

... Young Guys!, ! I'm a sake connoisseur pro-hobbyst-man! 

For sophisticated couples like that fot at eve THE 24th Dec, 

for their Christmas Eve? Sparkling! 

[≒ For events] For such man (shouldn't shot strong BIG reverse something from their man's mouse at the SPECIAL D-DAY) This batch lot. 

That's all Right. for their mom... 


On another note notice, 

why did you drink so much by yourself (more than half a 720ml 14%Alc. bottle with an alcohol in one meal) and never be called an ambulance?

one of the ambulance (emergency)car type in Toyohashi-city, Aich, Japan.

Toyohashi's saviors for you. (Does she look a bit like diva "Shiina Ringo"?)



The mole is in a different position. and... 

It seems the color of the nurse's cap is a little different.

I think 

that's all 

they want to saying is LOVE

 (or so I think the all),


but basically, 

I'm not one to handle alcohol well,

(Geko is not means Geek

Geko is mean "never drink(I cannot drink)".)

I'm normal drinker. and, I'm a normal Japanese human.

I am sorry I am small human than an average height of japanese, 

so such pretty cute scale(amall) tall.

Please don't forget that "LOVE".

In Japan,

it's said that 

the race that is particularly tolerant to alcohol is white(white skin).

In Japan, it's said that 

the white (white skin) is stronger alc. resistance than the yellow.

(Just because their white face turns red easily?

It doesn't necessarily mean they are sensitive to alcohol. 

Only their face just turns red.

It is rumored that because their skin is white,

when they drink alcohol,

bacause of their capillaries  turn  as face are red.

Generally, their white man's muscles are larger volume than the average normal Japanese person,

so be careful as their muscle mass volume may be fundamentally different from that of Japanese people.

In terms of human beings?

...There shouldn't be much difference in terms of composition and physical quality.)


In short, the alcohol content is obviously weaker than the Shino(志野) I bought before (≒ sparkling unpasteurized sake), 

so final, 

I could drink more than half of the 720ml bottle in one meal(dinner). 

With the batch I think I bought first lot, 

I had the impression that I would have to drink at least 4-5 times(days) to finish the 720ml bottle. 

(The taste was certainly strong it was killer. In that sense, I was drinking it as a cocktail shot with cheap sake [to "dilute plan"] it in various ways.) 

Is that the maximum alcohol content (alcohol or 14% alcohol)? 

If that's the Now's lot case, 

I'm paying too much Alc's tax

so I want my money pay back! 

That's what all I'm saying. 

No, No, 

I drank the same amount 

as you at the same concentration (same batch?)! 

But still? Someone was taken away by ambulance. 

Is that what you're saying? 

In that case, the environment in which they are drinking is 

rially "different situations of me".

In the visible understandable case of people who are rushed to hospital,

shuch YOU! 

open your eyes. awaken!

the your [kotatsu, the Japanese traditional warm winter device] temperature is probably set to "medium range or higher",

and the YOUR air conditioner is probably 

set to upper than 25℃ or something, isn't it?



When I drink, or rather, when I'm drinking, 

the air conditioner is set to about 18-19°C, 

as measured by a thermometer. (Super eco-friendly LOVE earth setting. The lowest level heating setting.) 

And when I'm drinking, warming myself up in a kotatsu, I don't use the air conditioner. I only use the kotatsu, and it sometimes power OFF). 

And... The kotatsu temperature is set to 1, the weakest setting, out of a possible 6 level settings. 

I think the people who are always friends with LOVE ambulances are "too warm" and end up overheating and collapsing before they start drink. 

They're not in an environment where they can burn alcohol with their own inside body's basic assets and keep out the cold temper in the room, are they? 

This winter, what about story tellers those heavy drinkers? 

I think they'll have to call an ambulance in such hot room. 

What if? In the same hot temperature? If they drink the same amount as I caught? 

You will end up having to call an ambulance, Oh MY!, won't you?

One possibility event is...

A celebration for being discharged from hospital 

(≒permission to drinking after of the medication plan is over)?

That's a common occurrence,

but basically,

Such they mistakenly thought that the amount their normally drank 

before they stopped drinking (before they was hospitalized and prescribed medication plan),

the amount he normally drank up until then,

was his own normal alcohol tolerance.

And the deadly bad killer case... 

After the abstinence period ended, they drank the same amount,

at the same pace (pitch) as before 

with no notice

of their pure baby like level body conditions.


Those two different things

"The room temperature was too warm."

"You haven't had a drink in a while."


These two factors had a synergistic effect that shifted things in a negative bad direction.

I think that's their result such amburance LOVEer.

If you want to drink a lot without throwing up

(Do you want to stay drunk for a long time without throwing up?

Maybe during HAPPY New Year's days?)

You can drink more if you drink 

at a slower pace (pitch) than usual 

in a slightly colder temper room

(You can maintain your drunkenness for a longer time, so it's cheaper).


BUT! You were rushed to the hospital!

Incredibles! The other person was completely fine. 

and They even could take care of you!?

If the other person was,

it's possible that they were secretly wearing light clothing or, 

you didn't notice them  

that were secretly naked with painted tie 

(their legs weren't into the kotatsu).

And they also seemd had a lot of muscle mass than you

You are thin (slender), but it cannot be denied that you may have been obese (indoor-living with extremely low total muscle mass, less muscle mass than your partner).

In short, the reality of the matter is that


You were not drinking 

in the same environment (same situation) of me.


That's what it means! 

your notice speech do not has the real. 

You seem lost the real.

You did care(mind) only alc. volume.


If you drink too much and vomit up even the alcohol that tasted so cute,

it is safer to immediately rinse your inside  mouth with (cold) water to avoid the vomit taste remaining.

(Some people may mistake it for grapefruit juice-taste or grapefruit-sour.

What about homemade[DIY] drink?

Be especially careful as many have a "citrus sour and flavor".)

It seems... 

Gastric juice (or bile if you're really heavy drunk?) is 

"a digestive enzyme that dissolves protein".

There's a high possibility risky that [your vomit up] could damage [your own inside your mouth], so be careful.


In front of your girlfriend? Did you vomit a lot?

That's terrible.

Please be careful so you don't lose your teeth and become an old lady.

(It's not because of the alcohol. 

Don't blame it on the alcohol. 

The digestive enzymes in your own gastric juices were strong when you vomited, 

but it's more likely that you left it and ate the sausage with your mouth mixed with gastric juice and vomited again. 

Is this a violent Christmas story about a lovey-dovey couple with [completely incredible with foolish sight with drinks]?)

End credits song.

[Where the walnuts gone?]

Have a great Christmas next year.


Mickey is pissed and bites Remy's face, 

who is holding a globe balloon in his mouth like as Hinkel acted Chaplin.

Remy is looking downcast.

Mickey wants to step forward. Or so?

What did you do? Remy?!

Two dogs like such Combi (the bassist? ran away?)

=I saw a buddy (dog) like that recently in my neighborhood.

They such Everyone vomber-man says they can't make any more fire voice? Apparently.

A silent night. A Holy Day Morning? 

in the foreground in the foreground is a Chin-ka (Camellia, white flower) tree. 

Borrowed scenery.

It seems that if you forcefully open 

Toyohashi-city's emblem (the Dai-mon) ,

and forcefully insert a stick, 

it will become a sacrificial mark (from Berserk,comic).

Toyohashi is not a sacrifice in Berserk (it is closed). Or is that?

Based on a comic-like, geeky interpretation.


This is the result by my own personal market-tic research sequence. 

The result from my personal subjective analysis-system.

(Writing to avoid danger.)


Well then.




